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It took years to create, but the Ovation Flight series achieved the coveted 7.5 oz weight and with its incredible aerodynamics, it’s extraordinarily fast and responsive on the court.


You’ll love the sound of the widest honeycomb core, the spin and control of the epoxy resin and the ultra sleek diamond frost coating that glides effortlessly in your hand.


This aerodynamic thin core, lightweight paddle is a reflex enhancing weapon.

Proprietary 7-layer coating and complex composite, including specially treated soft skin with spin-grab feature and ProKennex Release epoxy/resin system makes this our most popular “all-style and levels” paddle.


The Pro Flight is a brilliantly designed single-piece paddle with a graphite inlay, making it virtually indestructible.


An independent study by MIT Labs found that the ProKennex’s Kinetic system reduced vibration by 43% causing significantly less damage to the arm. 


Pro Kennex Pro Flight Ovation

  • Weight: 7.4 oz

    Grip: 4”

    Handle Length: 5”

    Paddle Length: 15.43"

    Paddle Width: 7.6"

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